Health & Beauty
About Us
We make goat milk soap, liquid soap, shampoo bars, lotions and other bath & personal care products using milk from our herd of dairy goats.
About Us
Hi, I'm Jackie. I'm the owner, soap maker, and goat herder at Jax Soap Company and Calmir Farms. Here's the story of how we came to be.
It all started with Tom, Dick and Harry...
In early 2018, we decided to get some goats. Nothing fancy, just a few fainting goats for fun. Tom, Dick and Harry were their names. They were going to be fenced in our yard for the sole purpose of having less grass to cut. A few months later, I said ''What the heck, lets get some more goats!'' Betty and Barbara Jean were introduced to our herd. Our herd of 5 goats multiplied, then we bought some more for good measure. Fast forward to 2022 and we now have 100-some goats. We have 8 different breeds of goats represented on our farm including Toggenburg, Alpine, Saanen, Nubian, Lamancha, Boer, Kiko and Myotonic.
A handful of these goats are dairy goats that we milk twice daily. One can only use so much goat milk so my husband suggested I make some goat milk soap. I'm a food scientist in my day job so making up recipes and testing stuff is right up my alley. After a few tries I realized how much I like making and more importantly, using handmade goat milk soap. I've never been much of a body wash user so I just suffered with commercial bar soaps containing synthetic detergents. Who knew there was a better option?